14 March, 2016


Swimming lessons will be starting up straight after Easter on 4th April! The boys will be brought to and from the pool and just need to bring a bag with swimming togs, goggles and a towel (please refer to the letter that has been sent home for dates and details).
Aquatics is part of the PE curriculum and the boys will learn about; hygiene, water safety, buoyancy, propulsion, stroke development and how to enter and exit the water.

Ms.Fannin's class will not be getting the aforementioned discount of €5 for swimming (in lieu of the Bunscríobh book that was bought at the start of the year) due to the electronic payment system that has been set up. However, the €5 discount will be taken off the cost of the school tour instead.

The boys seem to be looking forward to it - it may even be an effective tool in trying to get them out of bed on the Monday morning after the holidays!!